What a whirlwind of a Day!
Educational Psyche at 9:30am and we had to fill out little cards to say something about ourselves. The Instructor seemed a bit impressed that I have my own weblog, and smiled a bit when I raised my hand saying I know how to use the Web-CT.
Old broad knows new technology!
Then a meeting for Project Rise, which is a program to help underclass students get through college. It is provided by the Federal Government, and there are Peer Mentors, Study Groups, Tutors, Field Trips. She said we should be proud we got in, there were only 41 slots open. I gather that the main reasons I made the cut are that I am older and returning after 26 years away from school, qualify for Financial Aid, I have proven test anxiety, and neither of my parents went to college (they didn’t ask about spouse or children doing so).
Then lunch at the cafeteria. I told the clerk that better signs were needed about where the people in line are supposed to wait. Very confusing, much bumping of trays.
Math class is designed for those who want to become Elementary Ed teachers. After the purchase of two Expen$ive books, the supply list also says Pattern Blocks, Line of Ten rods, and Fraction Wheels. Another $38 at the Educational Toy aisle, but at least this is more my style than a graphing calculator.
So far, so good. DoF says he is most glad for the Project Rise. Whatever it takes to keep my spirits and grades up.
I’m thinking that Peer Mentor person should be able to give my guys and their ears a rest.
This evening is a retirement party for a nurse friend. Might be one of my last ‘going out’ celebrations for awhile before the research papers come up on deadline.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
ps Please keep John B. in your prayers. He had open heart surgery this afternoon, and will have some days to stay in the hospital.
His wife Evelyn is one of my most faithful readers! and both friends provide much encouragement for both Mister and MrsDoF!
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