To quote a favorite children’s book, “It’s a blustery day”.
Husband begins a “new” job today, so he wanted to be prompt. We got out of bed to the sound of ice and branches clobbering the roof.
He went out first, dug out the driver’s door of the car, managed to get it open, started the engine, made sure the tailpipe wasn’t full of ice, then came back inside.
I went out and shoveled the walk—a futile effort considering how the wind is blowing the snow.
We waited awhile for the car to get warm enough to melt snow off the windows. Clearing and shoveling, many cars passed on the street. Many people have to get to work early.
We got to McDs and saw an electric company truck idling in the parking lot. The workers had to stop for breakfast.
We left the car idling also, with doors locked.
The two guys with the electric company logo on their coats looked stalwart and brave. Neither one yet 30 years old, but holding the comfort of thousands of citizens in their abilities to keep the lines up. I’ll bet the coffee tasted great to them.
Husband called his boss, only to learn that ISU is closed.
Workers for McDs went about their duties like it was any other day. The young man who cleared the walks went out twice while we ate our breakfast. The morning shift arrived. I heard the manager say that no one had called off.
This was good because across the street, coming down out of the apartment house, was a whole troop of guys. I went out and called that the University was closed, but one guy jogged across the street and said “Yeah, but McDs is Oh-Pen” as he held the door for the next 15 people.
I went back to Husband and remarked about the contrast of the two men who work for the electric company, and a bunch of cheerful college students, now free for the day.
All of us having breakfast.
The world needs all kinds of people.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
ps I’m going to play hooky for the Memorial Service at church.
I loved the dearly departed lady, but I don’t relish the idea of digging out the car again so soon.
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