Before I go out of town until Wednesday,
I guess I should give some Filler as an update:
My words have been scarce ‘round these parts, but I’ve been having a Whee of a time elsewhere.
I worked 4 days as a TA Sub in 3 different school buildings. I coulda answered another request for Thursday, but that was the morning I helped with childcare in the church nursery during the Moms Bible Study time. I sure do love being with the littles, even for only 2 hours.
The Needlework Group at the Senior Center is getting ready for a Craft Sale coming Thursday 08 November. The coordinator is real good at details, so we’ve been really busy. This is folks where I am the youngest person in the room, so I’m getting pretty good at figuring out what it is she wants moved.
This morning, I was a Volunteer for a Red Cross Blood Drive.
We got 44 Units! way over the goal.
The cute thing about this is, I’m a day early for donation, but while I was gone, Husband said the phone rang with somebody wanting me to set up an appointment. He said when he told her I was being a volunteer, there was an odd silence at the other end. I plan to go next Saturday to a different church and see if the goodies in the Canteen are as tasty as ours.
The high school across town had a Craft Sale today. I went mainly to get ideas about current prices for some of the handwork the Seniors will be putting on display next week. Of course I bumped into old acquaintances at least twice and had to stand around awhile to chat. (the plantar fasciitis of my left foot is howling in protest, even though all the hours at the Blood Drive and Craft Sale did not add up to one shift of being at my job)
One odd happening there was I had just paid for a little ornament and was walking away from the booth. A woman oh, my age give or take a couple years, approached and asked if she could ask me something. At my nod, she asked how old I am. I’ve learned, being a TA, to give open-ended responses so that the student does not feel put down. So I answered what year I was born. She seemed quite disappointed. I waited for her to go on, I mean, after such a grand beginning, there has to be more to the story.
Well, it seems that her friend from college, who has now lived in another country for 25 years, had a baby girl while they were young, and the baby was given for adoption. This woman, standing beside me, had been looking all these years for someone who would look like she could be her friend’s daughter. Apparently, I fit the description, except the baby was born in 1967, so I’m definitely too old.
At this news, I’m thinking that if I still look like age 40, as tired as I was at that minute, then I must be doing something right with washing my face and never smoking cigarettes.
Then she got all embarrassed that she had bothered me at all. I told her that I was born in the same town as my mother and grandma, so I know where I come from and I’ve only lived here with my husband since 1983.
I guess me and my playground voice were working over time. Someone else came up, a stranger to both of us, and began talking about how folks can look like others we want to be seeing. She said everybody loses someone they would like to meet again. A small world for sure.
Husband and I are going on a delayed anniversary trip to Hannibal, Missouri—the land of Mark Twain.
It’s close enough for an easy 4 hour drive, there’s a bunch of history to see and do, and neither of us has ever been there before, so we won’t be comparing notes.
For our jobs, I clicked myself Unavailable for days and he is using vacation time which might have been deleted later.
The youngest son (age 22) will practice responsibility for the house and the cats.
I would love to be able to write something more sincere and interesting, but the energy doesn’t extend so far. Although someone told me today that plenty of pictures will be expected as soon as possible.
There are plenty of pictures on my camera chip. Getting them from there to here also needs effort I ain’t got.
Which reminds me, I’d better at least put them into a folder on the computer to clear the way for more during travel. And charge the battery for camera and cell. And find my other jacket—last I saw it was at the bottom of the laundry chute. Doggone—that means at least 2 loads to put through the machines.
Gotta Go! Trip preps are calling!
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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