Over the weekend, I had to set aside crocheting on the baby blankie to work on some bookmarks.
here they are stretched wet, and held flat by straight pins
The three on the left are going to an event at the ISU Campus Religious Center to be used as door prizes.
The purple/gold/white is for a sympathy card.
Too many of my friends’ parents are passing away.
Three of the blues are for church folks, and the pinks is for a bridal book.
The silver and gold on the very bottom is my own.
I’m gonna keep it.
The story is: a friend from the Yarn Group went overseas to visit her daughter and son-in-law who is in the military.
They went sight-seeing and shopping.
Being a yarn working person, she of course had to shop in a yarn store.
There, she found a ball of thread in the prettiest silver and gold and cream, and she thought of me and my bookmarks. It came back through Customs just fine and dandy
I crocheted one for her, and one for me.
While I was finding a new place in my Bible to store it, a piece of paper fell out.
I must have kept it for a reason, and today it came to light again.
It looks like it was clipped from a church newsletter, but there is no name saying who is the writer.
It’s Not Easy . . . .
To Apologize
To Begin Over
To be Unselfish
To Admit Error
To be Charitable
To Keep Trying
To be Considerate
To Avoid Mistakes
To Profit by Mistakes
To Forgive and Forget
To Think and Then Act
To Keep out of a Rut
To Make the Best of Little
To Subdue an Unruly Temper
To Shoulder a Deserved Blame
To recognize the Silver Lining – –
But it Always Pays
~~love and Huggs, Diane
ps to help while doing the ironing, I put in a Celine Dion cd, then hit repeat to carry on through the next task
for a little added interest, I put 6 pounds of weights in a backpack to carry while walking
my treadmill time was 21 minutes at 1.5 elevation and 1.7 pace
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