Just got back from a walk downtown to return dvds.
It is a mile from the house to the video store, then another mile back home. Wonder if I can deduct that time and distance from my treadmill routine?
My youngest son and his sweetie fully recommended JUNO, which is a New Release, so with it I got a free rental golden oldie A FACE IN THE CROWD. You will have to look for links your own self if you want to see any other news and reviews.
I liked both movies, although they were very different plots.
JUNO is about a 16 year old girl who gets curious, experiments with sex, then cannot believe it when the pee stick gives a plus sign for pregnant. The scene in the store with the clerk, all the quips back and forth, well no way does my brain connect so quick, so I give kudos to writers for thinking it up and actors for carrying it through.
The whole movie stays true to life. Even though I was going to college at the time, I had my first baby before the wedding, so I know all about telling the parents, and some medical staff who act so holy.
Yes, Indeedy.
Nice thing about dvd is the special features showing Deleted Scenes. My thinking is this movie would have been better if the scene when the adoptive mother is crying was still within the whole. It would have better explained the scene in the nursery near the end, the look of anticipation on her face.
Melessa at I Digress also wrote a post about JUNO.
Andy Griffith stars in A FACE IN THE CROWD.
I think it was his first movie, way back in 1957, in B & W.
It’s about a ne’er-do-well fella who happens to play a bit of guitar, has astute observations of other citizens, and rides the tide of popularity as the voice of an old tyme radio show, moving into the new-fangled invention of television.
Goodness, the expressions on an actor’s face actually mean something.
It might have been better if a few scenes had been deleted, 125 minutes was too long for my back to stay on the couch, so I had to push the pause button. I thought the middle was a bit tedious, yeah, we get it, he actually didn’t need to bend the senator’s ear so often.
It puts me in mind of FORREST GUMP and BEING THERE, which are a couple other movies with a similar theme of rising stars.
A FACE IN THE CROWD came before them, and tells a stronger story.
Because of time used while watching movies, the crocheted baby blankie grows and grows.
Only about 8 inches to go, then the border.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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