the Search was futile

I used up quite a bit of the morning looking for an old VHS tape I wanted to watch.

My schedule book was full this week.  I had pre-arranged TA Sub jobs for M-T-W,F, Thursday Yarn Group, and Lucas was coming home some time on the shuttle bus, would need to be picked up, then chauffeured to Urbana.
So busy that I told child care to not put me on for the 14th.

Then the weather happened.  Schools have been closed for days, my Yarn Group also cancelled, Lucas got in late-late on the bus.  Next morning, Husband did not want to drive him across the prairie with the sun shining in his eyes, so we took him back last evening, stopping at a grocery store so he could stock up.

You can see how his cat Scratchy responded HERE

Anyway, school is off again today.  I play a little game with myself when I’m home alone like this.  I have to do at least two tasks of housework before I sit down for fun with yarn and movie or music.

The movie I want to watch is KOTCH with Walter Matthau.
I got my little chores done, petted Oscar awhile before he found a spot in a sunny window

and walked over to the video cabinet
where KOTCH has rested for years

the shelf now holds DVDs more recently purchased

my hunt began by going over to the other video cabinet
it still has VHS tapes, but KOTCH is not there
downstairs where Husband was clearing out last weekend
I did find the VHS of HOUSEBOAT starring Cary Grant
upstairs to the shelf behind the door of Joe’s old room
many VHS tapes, none with the title I want

I did find CALENDAR GIRLS and decided to settle for it

there’s a hat on the newborn peg loom

the outside temp is 5oF so I’m staying in

No sense bothering Husband at work to ask where the movie might be
when he decides something needs to move, it does
and rarely seen again

~~love and Huggs, Diane

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