The dawn was a dreary gray this morning, but after a three day weekend, I realized that I might as well face a fine day at a TA Sub job (by request a week ago).
Husband cooked some oatmeal for us to have breakfast, then I showered and got ready.
Made it all the way to the school office, signed in, given directions to the classroom.
When I got there, two teachers looked at me like I had donkey ears or sumthin. What? we don’t need a Sub, that was supposed to be cancelled. One gal walked with me back to the office, where tension tightened.
I spoke up, saying I have a bit of a toothache, so if I was really not needed, then they could forget I happened by, just white-out that name on the list today, I’ll be on my way.
And so I found myself with an open day after all.
Back home, I hung up the duty clothes that had been on my body 57 minutes, put away the dishes from the counter, empty the dishwasher, checked e-mails, wrote to Husband all about it, stuffed envelopes for paying the bills, wrapped a package to send off, started a load of laundry.
Sometimes the feeling of free doesn’t even take money into consideration.
When I got back from the Post Office, there were messages on the answering machine. Once the TA Sub job got cancelled within the system, it decided I should be working somewhere else this afternoon, and really really wants me to respond with my Sub number.
Next time it called, I just pushed the “don’t bother me” button, and will continue doing my little chores and hobby the rest of the day.
Right after I have a mug of hot chocolate and a pumpkin donut.
May such a sweet blessing come your way also
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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