for weeks, I have been coveting a pair of huggie style earrings, where the hinge is at the bottom of the piece, and the clasp almost disappears at the back of the ear. the first time I saw the style was at the store getting my watch battery replaced, and what was in the case was so lovely and priced at $780
These from a different store, covers the style, even if they are sterling silver with cubic zirconia stones, and I’m grateful seeing 60% off the number on the tag, making $21 so much more affordable.
Husband took this picture because I was just gushing about how light they are.
I barely know I’ve got ’em in
What with buying a new water heater, having the transmission on my car fixed, brake work for his car, license tags and insurance for 2 vehicles, property taxes, and staring at paying for a new roof,
I’m glad for a little Mother’s Day boost. Very comfortable in my ears, and I’m able to answer the phone without wincing. I don’t sleep with jewelry, but some comments while I was browsing the Web mentioned being okay then.
Mother’s Day came and went with little fanfare. Church service was nice, but I was so busy with arrangements for a funeral lunch (which happened Tuesday) that I didn’t have close attention.
We went away on our bicycles for lunch on Sunday, to a place which appreciated the business.
Monday was Husband’s birthday, and his gift was a good report at the dentist. I had to pick him up and drive him because his car is in the shop getting brakes work.
We stopped next door at Wendy’s for lunch, then went to sign the paperwork to buy a new king-size mattress and frame.
Youngest Son is moving back home (damn this economy and its drain on young people no matter how hard he works) so we are moving our queen-size mattress with a new frame to his room, then getting a whole new bed for us.
Funeral Lunch on Tuesday, with the family and guests appreciating everything. We used 60 plates counting the volunteer crew, serving cold meat sandwiches, a potluck variety of donations, and 2 gallons of sweet iced tea (I left it to brew overnight, and it was a fine success)
Tried something different this time (I can say that wisdom comes with experience– this was my fourth time being Leader of a funeral’s kitchen crew)
in that I asked a fella to come a bit later to wash the dishes, when the rest of us were tired from prep work, set-up,and serving. He done good, we all did, but I so appreciated not having to lean over the steamy dishwasher to pull out racks.
We will miss a good friend at church, but she was 89, the last 10 years a widow, and I’m sure she now rests in the arms of Jesus.
When I got home at 2:45pm, I cleared the kitchen table and laid out the supplies for a batch of Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies and 2 batches of Puppy Chow.
With Husband’s help doing the labels and boxing, all was ready to go by 7pm what time I wanted to park my bottom on the couch for watching NCIS.
He took pictures all along, but refused to do a guest post on my blog.
I still don’t like doing the steps for putting pictures here.
When my show was over, I jumped up and drove the goodies to a friend’s house. She took her whole car full of many people’s donations to a bake sale at Meadows Mennonite Home, happening today.
Here it is, nearly Noon, yet I am still in my robe… stealing time (there were 3 jobs on SubFinder, all with teenagers at the high school) of semi-rest. The tablecloths are done, the towels are in the dryer. While I’m out this afternoon, returning them to the church kitchen is on the Errands list. Also have to do the paperwork for the meal to tally up.
Coming this weekend is another opportunity for a potluck dish, since our Youth Pastor is having his Ordination Service. I’m not the chief for the kitchen crew, but already someone asked what I will carry in.
My husband calls all my grocery buying and cooking efforts as being part of my “community service”. He says my little extra touches help people to feel comfortable and welcome.
I know I would not be able to do so much of the background work if I did not have a great guy who brings in a paycheck, and props me up with encouragement, and tapes labels list of ingredients on Puppy Chow wrappers.
Goodness, I’ve had a whirlwind several days. And there is more to come, since half the house has to be rearranged for new beds, a homecoming son, and his cat. Please cross fingers that Oscar and Scratchy can become friends.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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