Hello, My Dear Ones,
We are under a Tornado Watch, well actually, the sirens went off and the lights flickered
so Husband and I grabbed Annie the visitor dog, our own cat Oscar, then went down to the basement to finish our supper of Chinese take-out, using tv trays. I brought over a freshly laundered throw rug for Annie to rest on. She does not like lightning, nor being in a basement with semi-strangers, but we do our best.
Chris’s cat Scratchy would not allow himself to be wrapped in a towel for carrying, and he ran off to hide under Chris’s bed, so I told him to stay there!
I mentioned to Husband if it did not clear good enough within 20 minutes, then I was going to play hooky from the meeting at church this evening, but then the phone rang, with our Kind Leader saying the meeting would be Cancelled,
she does not want anyone blowing away tonight, so stay home and dry
Ooie — that lightning was close!! but the wind has eased off still raining, so we are back upstairs at glowing screens
I am still getting ready to be driving tomorrow to the Ohio River Valley for the MFHS Alumni Banquet
the storm system is supposed to pass over by Friday, with the weekend okay sky, even 2 states to the east
My guys will be at home doing housely things, I’m not sure what’s what, but it’s gotta be better than the present
Will be off the computer while I’m gone. the basic emergency cell will make do as always
We are looking into getting me a new mobile device, with text messages
but I figure that’s a Summer Project learning curve.
My take-along crochet project will be starting a cream color bedspread cotton baby blankie, using a big cone of thread found when we moved stuff/ made room for beds.
Who knows when I bought it on Clearance (the sticker said $1.10 for 16 ounces of crochet thread) but it surfaced at a most Blessed time of Financial woes, what with new water heater, property taxes, and new king-size bed this month.
Nothing quite like already paid for supplies to feel like a bargain now.
My To-do List has several items not crossed off, so I should be getting back to it. Usually this screen is procrastination, but tonight is best for a nice chat.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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