DoF here – I’m trying to address some addressing problems we’ve been having in MrsDoF’s blog. So there may be some wierdness as I get it figured out. Please excuse the mess.
UPDATE, 20 November ‘05, 7:30am: I had Pmachine hosting create a secondary domain pointer, then I reconfigured the DNS settings for It didn’t work. Julie 🙂 from Pmachine hosting support found an error in my path.php file that set it right and now is back and working better than ever! You can leave comments as before, the permalinks work1, and you can search for stuff and find it under the correct domain name. It isn’t perfect because it still finds stuff from both and but it’s a step in the right direction.
- A “Permalink” is a permanent link to a post or comment. You can copy that link location to use it to refer back to that post at a later time. If you’re using Firefox (a web browser program that is an alternative to Internet Explorer) simply right-click on the Permalink, select “Copy link location” and paste it where you want the link to be.
- One reader said MrsDoF’s RSS feed wasn’t working. Actually, it is – but you have to set up the link yourself. Again in Firefox, right-click on the “RSS 2.0” link in the right-hand column of MrsDoF’s home page, and copy the link location. Then click on Firefox’s “Bookmarks” and select “Manage Bookmarks”. Click on “File” and “New live bookmark”, then paste in the RSS feed link where it says “link location”. Give the link a name, save it in the folder of your choice, and zowie! MrsDoF on RSS!
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