There had come a request from the county nursing home for “as many lap robes as you can get to us,” so this last week I have been busy with the hook and yarn. It only took about 8 hours altogether, nothing real fancy. I don’t have a picture of the lap robe because the camera battery was dead.
I used a big size K hook doing double crochet stitches of scraps of 4-ply acrylic in Fall colors—golds and orangey and rust and brown (all brought home from the Senior Center).
I carried it back to the Yarn Group, and was going to put it into the Finished Projects box in the storeroom, when another member asked if she could buy it. She negotiated the price with the Group Leader, and the money goes to the Project Fund.
So I brought home some blues, cream, a little gray, and some light green, in 3-ply sportweight yarn to make another lap robe.
I learned that when the label recommends a size G hook, that is what it means. I began with an H, then tried with an F, but finally got the chain and first row done with a size G. Doesn’t matter that I am usually a little tight with my tension, size G hook is what I’m staying with for this one. It will take longer to make, since the yarn is thinner, and hook smaller than the last.
Meanwhile, I had run out of 4-ply cotton yarn for making potholders. I was standing in the craft store and realized I didn’t have enough of my “fun money” to get enough of what I wanted. I’ll have to explain about the household budget and cash for personal use some other time.
This week also meant our once-a-month meeting of the church women’s group. I had a hard time getting the question asked, but the vote outcome was that I could get money from the offering to buy cotton yarn to make potholders. Also, a couple of the ladies said they have scraps of cotton yarn I can use.
My homie girls know how to keep me happy.
I went back to the JoAnn Fabrics, then to Wally World
and spent the wad.
this should do another 12 pair, maybe more
The next Relief Sale happens in Chicago in September, plus there is a Fall Bazaar that same month of the calendar.
With three projects begun, and yarns in baskets near the couch,
my leisure hours are spoken for until Labor Day.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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