Square Piles Getting Taller

A little over a month ago, Friday 10 April, I was in the audience when Christopher’s roomie Patrick performed his percussion Senior Recital in the Kemp Auditorium on the ISU campus.  Chris also accompanied with his guitar for a couple music pieces.

I sat in the fourth row, close enough to the stage to be able to use the lights to do some crocheting.  I’m not sure how many actual granny squares I did then (probably 4) but when I was out in the hall, I stopped and counted how many were in my bag.

on Good Friday, there were 18 squares completed
a nice 10% of the total needed for Lucas and Milly’s aphgan
Patrick was impressed that I made use of the time

the last week, I have had hours many beside my husband’s hospital bed, so of course I had hook and yarn in my hands

the Done basket has 5 new potholders and 3 new bookmarks without any specific destination

also, on the peg looms, I knitted 3 newborn hats
given to the front desk for the Newborn Nursery
(Husband says hearing the lullaby music in the middle of the night was NOT an ideal desire)

and one 6-month size hat given to a nurse whose baby is due in July cuz my thinking is the baby will be big enough to use it by Christmas

This morning, my crochet bag seemed kinda heavy, so I emptied it out and put the squares into the bin where they are waiting until I am ready to start sewing together

out of curiosity, I decided to count

Now have 139 finished granny squares

Lucas says he is “really pumped” about cottony softness for the bed, and he loves the way the colors work, that there’s gonna be a great cover when it is done

I did not crochet at all yesterday, since I needed to drive Lucas to Urbana for an appointment, then we fetched a couple things from his apartment, each of us bought new shoes, stopped at a bakery, then the drive home

my wrists do not like holding the steering wheel

but today is a new day, lovely outdoors, so I may get the summer started early and take a chair to the porch and get going on the square tally

Husband is resting on the couch, water bottle by his side
I don’t have a call light, but I will keep my ear alert

~~love and Huggs, Diane

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