Sunday evening
and I’m wondering “How did the weekend pass so fast?”
It doesn’t seem as if I kept so very busy
Helping to shovel out from under 3” of snow
Time with Husband, who seems a bit more relaxed somehow, but I cain’t really pinpoint any exact cause. Maybe because the house is behaving itself, after all the updates we have been dealing with. Although a new water heater is expected soon. He says he got some “needed for the job” studying done while I was at church.
a few loads of laundry, feed the cats, swept a corner of the kitchen floor
crochet a couple bookmarks for sympathy cards
and knitted a couple baby hats to carry to the hospital
I left folding towels, and ironing, for later
On Monday, I will attend a memorial service for a really nice lady, a “pillar in our church congregation”. I was already off the job because of a meeting, which was cancelled so we might attend the funeral. Events have a way of getting sorted out in my little planner book.
Here’s hoping your week begins with your best foot forward.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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