No Wedding Trip Report written yet.
Been very busy with Mahalia the diabetic cat. She had a bit of an episode of confusion on Saturday with Geo, then I got her to a regular appt check-up on Tuesday, and the doctor changed a few things
Wednesday morning, she collapsed in the kitchen, so I wrapped her in a towel, dropped her on the passenger seat of the car, rushed into the animal clinic in tears
They kept her for a couple hours, getting her sugar and insulin levels to balance in her blood
had to take her back this morning to make sure she is still neutral (she’s doing okay)
and brought home 6 cans of special, expensive cat food, meanwhile cutting back on the insulin
the paper pictures were picked up from Walgreen’s where they remain in the box, not sorted, and my camera card has not been anywhere near the reader for me to put photos onto this computer.
When I got this new box a few months ago, my In-house Tech says I should be doing Picasa albums, and changed the drive for where my stuff goes, and I am not so good at figuring out this “newer, easier” different way to do this.
He says to get up-to-date, yet forgets that my kitchen has the same wallpaper from when we moved in lo, those many years ago. I don’t like change, especially when it is only to please other people, who apparently are anxiously awaiting the pictures from my camera card.
In between times, I had promised my mom that I would buy her a sheet of Bill Mauldin postage stamps, and our local building is Sold-Out, telling me to order online. Been trying to do that every so often for 30 hours, but my credit card is rejected. Their Techno Support says my computer is in a loop, so I should clear the history and cache, and do a completely new log-in for the USPS site. “Nothing wrong at their end” I was told. So much for online delivery.
Mahalia is all tuckered out from yet another stab in her leg early this morning, and is sleeping nicely on her comfy chair. Actually behaves better than she did before I left town. She should, my latest paycheck went into her care rather than new shoes for me.
Today is Thursday, which means my Needlework Group meets. Having missed the last 2 weeks, I definitely want to be there this afternoon. Have to work on some bookmarks. My mom put in a request for crocheted bookmarks for 8 graduates, then there are also 5 from my church that I wanna gift. Thursday evening is a meeting at church.
Not sure when the pictures and tales of travel will happen.
~~Huggs, Diane
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